Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science

New Faculty 2022 

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Check out the 2022 Lightning Research Talks to learn more about what our new faculty are working on!

Swarnalatha Ashok

Swarnalatha Ashok

Associate Teaching Professor

Software and Societal Systems Department


  • MSC Pilani
  • PGDip Annamalai

Research Interests

  • Model Driven Architecture
  • Software Design

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Andrew Begel

Andrew Begel

Associate Professor

Software and Societal Systems Department


  • Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
  • M. Eng. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Fraser Brown

Fraser Brown

Assistant Professor

Software and Societal Systems Department


  • B.A. Stanford University
  • M.S. Stanford University
  • Ph.D. Stanford University

Research Interests

  • Security
  • Program Verification
  • Bug Finding
  • Compilation

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Henry  Chai

Henry Chai

Assistant Teaching Professor

Machine Learning Department


  • B.S.E. Princeton University
  • M.S. Washington University in St. Louis
  • Ph.D. Washington University in St. Louis

Research Interests

  • Active Learning (Both the Machine Learning and Pedagogy Meanings)

Pronouns: he/him/his

Vince Conitzer

Vince Conitzer


Computer Science Department/Machine Learning Department


  • A.B. Harvard University
  • M.S. Carnegie Mellon University
  • Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University

Research Interests

  • AI
  • Multi-agent Systems
  • Game Theory
  • Philosophy
  • Machine Learning

Pronouns: he/him/his

Sauvik Das

Sauvik Das

Assistant Professor

Human-Computer Interaction Institute


  • B.S. Georgia Institute of Technology
  • M.S. Carnegie Mellon University
  • Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University

Research Interests

  • Human-Centered (security, privacy, AI, and computing)
Daniel  Fried

Daniel Fried

Assistant Professor

Language Technologies Institute


  • B.S. University of Arizona
  • M.Phil. University of Cambridge
  • Ph.D. UC Berkeley

Research Interests

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Language Grounding
  • Interaction

Pronouns: he/him/his

Aayush Jain

Aayush Jain

Assistant Professor

Computer Science Department


  • Ph.D. UCLA
Jiaoyang Li

Jiaoyang Li

Assistant Professor

Robotics Institute


  • B.A. Tsinghua University
  • Ph.D. University of Southern California

Research Interests

  • AI
  • Multi-robot Systems
  • AI Planning and Search
  • Optimization
  • Algorithms

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Jose Lugo-Martinez

Jose Lugo-Martinez

Assistant Professor

Computational Biology Department


  • B.S. University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras
  • M.S. University of California-San Diego
  • Ph.D. Indiana University

Research Interests

  • Computational Biology
  • Automated Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Biomedical Data Science

Pronouns: he/him/his

Aditi Raghunathan

Aditi Raghunathan

Assistant Professor

Computer Science Department


  • Ph.D. Stanford University
Maarten Sap

Maarten Sap

Assistant Professor

Language Technologies Institute


  • B.S. EPFL
  • M.S. University of Washington
  • Ph.D. University of Washington

Research Interests

  • Understanding Social Bias In Language
  • Social Commonsense Reasoning
  • Ethics In AI

Pronouns: he/him/his

Josh Sunshine

Josh Sunshine

Assistant Professor

Software and Societal Systems Department/Human-Computer Interaction Institute


  • B.A. Brandeis University
  • Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University

Research Interests

  • Programmer Productivity
  • End-User Software Engineering
  • Programming Language Design
  • Education Technology
Sherry Tongshuang Wu

Sherry Tongshuang Wu

Assistant Professor

Human-Computer Interaction Institute/Language Technologies Institute


  • B.S. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • M.S. University of Washington
  • Ph.D. University of Washington

Research Interests

  • Human-AI Interaction
  • NLP Model Analysis And Testing
  • Data Curation
  • Visualization
  • HCI
  • NLP

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Bryan Wilder

Bryan Wilder

Assistant Professor

Machine Learning Department


  • B.S. University of Central Florida
  • Ph.D. Harvard University

Research Interests

  • Machine Learning
  • Optimization
  • Public Health
  • Social Impact